Typically I hate breakout rooms. In my experience, it is really hard to start conversations and get productive in these rooms because of how tempting it is to work alone. I understand their purpose, but groups are really not the same anymore. However, today was one of my only good experiences.
As I mentioned in my last post, in this class I was put into smaller groups with my classmates to discuss our individual progress with our projects. My main issue with going forward, which I expressed to my peers, was feeling extremely indecisive and uninspired when it came to this year's project. Last year, we were able to see each other progress in person, show each other certain aspects of our projects face to face, and be in an overall creative environment. I, and my classmates, are finding it difficult to find creativity and inspiration when we are stuck in our homes all day, every day.
Despite these challenges, we shared a lot of ideas for moving forward. While it can't beat being in person, hearing about my classmate's ideas for their own projects was inspiring and refreshing.
Two of the people who were in the group with me had chosen the documentary package and have each chosen extremely interesting topics. One person is planning to do a docuseries similar to Cheer, but with the University of Miami dance team, and have been able to get in touch with the coach to possibly make this idea into reality. The other person plans to do a docuseries on international drinks that have made their way to America, with their portion focusing on matcha.
The two others in the group with us had chosen to do the short film for their projects and were in similar positions as I am as they had yet to decide on a single story. It was so refreshing to see that I was not the only one racking my brain tirelessly with no luck in deciding on an idea for my film. Because of our similar positions, we were able to bounce our ideas off of each other, even though we did have completely different genres in mind.
This experience truly helped me feel inspired and I already have a few ideas for my film. By my next posting I hope to finalize an idea. Till next time!