Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Set Design - Actual Designing

Recently while rummaging through some stuff in my room, I found my old HP Sprocket, which is a pocket photo printer. I used it for many of the older photos on my wall, but the wall hasn't been updated in a while. Now that I need to update my wall, I'm glad I have my sprocket to do it too. I don't have much photo paper to print with, I have only 20, so I am keeping what I'm printing with the Sprocket very limited, and the rest will be printed on my real printer. One main change I am making to my wall is extending it to the adjacent wall.

One of the introductory shots of the scene, which I was hoping to achieve, is a slow pan from the window, passing the wall and the photos, and then focusing on Alice on her bed. I took a trial shot of the footage I want on my phone to see if it would work, and it did very well. For reference, this is the video I want, and the blank wall at the end is where I will be adding the new photos.
After adding photos

The video shows the before, and the picture is the after. In the process of printing and pasting pictures, I also found some other stuff that I had planned to put on my wall, like my playbills, so it was a good filler also. I may play around with the positioning a bit more, but overall I am content with how it turned out. When picking out the pictures, however, I didn't want to print all of the ones I had with my boyfriend, because my idea for the credits includes other pictures and videos and I didn't want to repeat any.

One thing that I am not exactly happy with is how much surface area the pictures and stuff took up. I wanted to extend the picture wall further to make it look fuller, but I didn't have enough printing paper. While shooting, I think I will just position myself closer to the edge of the picture part, and the rest of the blank space will hopefully make it easier to focus on my face rather than the tons of mini faces in the back.

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